Sunday, February 20, 2011

Addition to Our Story

Well, just as we were about to close the baby chapter of our story, we decided to extend our tale just a bit. So, entering our family this Spring of 2011 will be baby boy Marshall. We anticipate he will arrive sometime around Grandpa's birthday on March 20th, but there is one lady here who is voting for an earilier arrival, say March 5th. Yes, March 5th would be perfect.

In the meantime we need an update on the rest of the crew. Let's start with Eden. This year Eden has added two important elements to her life. First, she got into the A.L.L. program at her school. In order to sound as snobbish and arrogant as possible we will devulge that A.L.L. is the name for the gifted and talented program in Alpine School District. She had to take a four hour test to make it into the program, but little did she know that would be the easy part. The first few weeks this fall were a little hairy, and she was begging for an early exit, but she managed and is now excelling. Most recently she did well enough on her science fair project to be an alternate for the district level competion. No surprise that dogs were involved. She did her project on dog handedness (whether they were more often left-pawed or right-pawed.)

The second thing Eden added this year was gymnastics. This fall she graduated from level 2 to 3, and she now goes for an hour and a half two times a week. She is working on a back hand spring.

Hawkins turned eight and got baptized since our last post. Grandpa Bert and Grandma Karen spoke at his baptism, and they were the two best talks we've ever heard at a baptism. (Zero bias here. They were phenomonal. ) We love them for making it a special day for him and making their talks age appropriate.

Hawkins played soccer this fall and indoor soccer this winter. Indoor was by far and away everybody's favorite. Fun, fast-paced and we were in and out of there in 45 minutes.

We have also had the extreme pleasure of watching this sweet boy bear his testimony several times in the last few months. It has been so pleasing to watch both him and Eden stand and testify of the truthfulness of the gospel. Very proud parents.

Livvy continues to be our resident sweetheart. That is unless you ask her to do something that she doesn't want to do. And then watch out. My favorite is to hear her crying, "Mom, you don't do anything. You keep making us your slaves." But thankfully we see the Livvy we know and love 95% of the time. She adores her big sister and brother and has been known to try to settle their disagreements. Everyone adores her because she is just so stinking nice to be around. Last week, the night before Valentine's Day she showed me a jewelry box containing a fake diamond ring she was given when her great-grandma Alyce passed away and asked if I thought she should give it to Mrs. Beck (her kindergarten teacher) for Valentine's Day. That's just the kind of kid she is.

She and her cousin Ty are virtually inseparable. They meet at the bus stop in the morning, go to kindergarten together, and then play after school. They are having a blast together. Although she still talks about moving back to Gridley so we can be there when Grandma and Grandpa get home.

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