Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Love Story Begins

So our poor little guy is working on his tan.  That is, he's trying to get rid of it.  Our blood types are incompatible, which makes him more suceptibile to complications with jaundice.  Thankfully they have Bilirubin beds for at home use.  I can't imagine how hard it would be to spend all that time at the hospital.  He's been cleared now, but he spent a large portion of his first three weeks under the lights.

A moment on lack of sleep:  the whole sleep depravation bit is tolerable only because I am so excited to see the little guy all the time.  I suppose a long hiatus from a little baby in the house has enhanced my ability to rise out of a dead sleep to sit up in a chair for long periods of time in the middle of the night.  But who cares about me and my sleep patterns.  Let's talk about Barrett.  He's fascinating ... a lot of sleeping, A LOT of eating.  May sound a tad boring, but I'm eating up every second of it.

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